In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Neuropsychology Association

Document Type : Original article



Introduction: The present study was done with the objective of determining the efficiency of neuropsychological rehabilitation method of sensory integration in improving executive functions of children with disorder in shortcomings attention/proactive. Methods: The survey is pre-test post-test model with two groups, one experimental group and one control group. The research sample consisted of 30 elementary school boys and girls, at the age of 7 to 11, who were selected from among available children suffering ADHD disorder (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity) in the academic year 1392-1393. This students were equally on the basis of recognizing values and intelligence and were randomly divided to two equal group; i.e. experimental and control groups. The research instruments for gathering the data were the questionnaire of Child Symptom Inventory (CSI-4), and Color Matrixes of Intelligence Test of Riyon. And to evaluate the executive functions (planning, attention, confining response), London Tower Test and Continuous Function test were used, the interrupting remedy was done on the basis of sensing alignment method and consisted of six weeks of exercising (SI). Findings: the data were analyzed by means of SPSS programs and Covariance analysis methods. The results reveal that sensing alignment in the post-test caused meaningful improvement in executive functions (planning, attention, confining response), (P


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