In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Neuropsychology Association

Document Type : Original article



Introduction: The main objective of this study was the assessment of neurofeedback and neuro-biofeedback training’s efficacy in decreasing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder’s symptoms. Method: This study was a quasi-experimental one with pre-test and post-test plan. The sample included 12 OCD patients who were randomly selected. The research instrument was Madzly Inventory. First the subjects had pre-test and then, they were randomly placed in three groups: Two experimental groups who had Neurofeedback or Neuro-biofeedback training, and one control group who only received medicine.  The experimental groups had 30 treatment sessions for 10 weeks. In order to analyze the data, the covariance multivariate analysis was used. Findings: The results showed significant changes in symptoms’ reduction of OCD in neurofeedback training group in comparison to the control group (p


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