In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Neuropsychology Association

Document Type : Original article



Introduction: Lateralization of the brain associated with cognitive functions. It is suggested that handedness is related to creative cognitive function as one of the lateralization results. This study aimed to compare the components of creativity among right-handed, left-handed and ambidexterity students. Methods: This study is an ex post facto research. The statistical population in this study consists of all high school students at Lamerd and Mohr cities in the second semester of the academic year 2013-14. To select target groups, two sampling methods were used. Group of 40 right handed students in the available method and ambidexterity and left-handed group are each separately 40 students in multi-stage random method, were selected. The subjects in this study responded to Edinburgh Questionnaire and the creativity test. Findings: The results of MANOVA analysis on average creativity scores and its components of students showed that the average of creativity and components of fluency and originality in right handed students are significantly lower than left-handed students, and the average of creativity and components of fluency, originality and flexibility in right-handed students are significantly lower than students who are ambidexterity. Conclusion: creativity and its components in ambidexterity and left-handed students are higher than those of right-handed students, it can be said that the right hemisphere stimulation and interaction in the two hemispheres may affect people's creativity.


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