In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Neuropsychology Association

Document Type : Original article


Instructor of Motor Behavior, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.


Introduction: Nowadays, the research results suggest that brainwaves change in different Psychological conditions. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the cognitive challenges on quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) pattern. Method: EEG was recorded from Cz in 26 right-handed individuals including 13 male and 13 female students. During two conditions: At rest condition Subjects looked at the white screen computer for one minute from a distance of 90 cm. Then, ‘React Traking soccer’ was run for one minute (cognitive challenges condition). Findings: The data analysis showed that the main effect of mental condition (from rest to cognitive challenge) was not significant (F=2/73, p < 0/05) but the main effect of frequency band (F=159/412, p < 0/05) and interaction effect of frequency bands and mental condition were significant (F=21/10, p < 0/05). These results suggest that cognitive challenge interact with different frequency bands and frequency bands, indicating that the amplitude of different frequency bands modulated in different mental states (from rest to cognitive challenge). Conclusion:Findings of the present study approved the role of cognitive challenge on changing brain waves associated with cognition compared to baseline.


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