In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Neuropsychology Association

Document Type : Original article


1 M.A in Motor Behavior, Tehran University, Iran.

2 Instructor of Motor Behavior, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.


Introduction: Bimanual coordination tasks routine and dominant. So, the aim of this study was investigating the effect of handedness and bimanual coordination task difficulty on the brainwave of cortical areas. Methods: The present study is of semi-experimental type. 20 women (10 left and 10 right-handed) with a mean age of 42‏‏/8 years That were selected by Purposive sampling. Each of the participants did a five-difficulty level of bimanual coordination tasks. Findings: according to the results of analysis of variance and independent t-test in c3 between right and left-hand group there was a significant difference in gamma wave. And in level 5&4 of bimanual coordination task difficulty between two groups in delta waves there was a significant difference too. Conclusion: There was a high activity in the motor cortex, supplementary motor area (C3 & C4) during bimanual coordination task. This activity of wave increasing with enhancement tasks difficulty. This finding shown the important role of Supplementary motor area in bimanual coordination.


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