In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Neuropsychology Association

Document Type : Original article


Associate Professor of Psychology, Payame Noor University, Iran.


Introduction: The aim of the present study is elementary estimation & to determine the characteristics of the psychometrics of the memory questionnaire. Methods: The students of Ahwaz Payam Noor University at the academic year of 1396 are my statistical community of the present study that among them 100 people (70 girls & 30 boys) was selected voluntarily. In order to assess the memory variable, I used the questionnaire of investigated factoring analysis. The data assessment was analyzed by the use of Amos & SPSS software. The method of the present study is in the form of despriptive – exploratory. Finding: investigated factoring analysis showed that the questionnaire of the memory skilled analysis includes 12 articles & 2 factoring memory of future events(7 items) & the memory related to the past events (5 items). The reliability of the items was proved through cronbach Alpha & was quit. Satisfactory, & the validity of the items was proved through the skilled analysis. Conclusion: With due attention to the passing of the time, a lot of the memory questionnaires will lose their accurate efficiency, so, with the use of the present study, we can assess the memory subject, whitch is grounded on the new researches & we can use it in the different situations.


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