In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Neuropsychology Association

Document Type : Original article


1 Assistant Professor of Psychology, Payame Noor University, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Psychology, Kurdistan University, Kurdistan, Iran.

3 PhD Student of Psychology, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.

4 M.A in Clinical Psychology, Kurdistan Medical Sciences University, Kurdistan, Iran.


Introduction: The purpose of this study was to Compare the efficacy of neurofeedback training and verbal self instruction on reduce of attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder symptoms. Method: For this aim, 60 students with attention deficit / hyperactivity symptoms among clients of counseling centers in Sanandaj selected and randomly divided and replaced into three groups of 20 people. The first and second groups, as experimental groups were received 12 sessions (one session per week) verbal self instruction and 24 sessions of neurofeedback training intervention (2 session per week), but the control group received no intervention. Research too ls include CSI (CSI-4), ability and difficulties questionnaire and Raven's IQ test. Findings: Findings from analysis of covariance showed that control of effect of pre-test, a significant difference (at P>0/001) are given in the post-test, post hoc test, showed that both treatment groups had a significant effect (at P>0/001) in reducing symptoms. But the effectiveness of neurofeedback group was significantly higher than verbal self instruction. Conclusions: Both methods have efficiency in reduce of attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder symptoms, but the effectiveness of neurofeedback is higher than verbal self instruction. Mechanism of this effect is probably due to altered cognitive functions such as Inhibition.


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