In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Neuropsychology Association

Document Type : Original article


1 Master of learning and motor control, Al-Zahra University,Tehran,Iran

2 Associate Professor at Department of Physical Education, Al-Zahra University,Tehran,Iran


Aim: The objective is to examine the association between mirror neurons activity and electrical activity of muscles in social-comparative video feedback of young females’ golf putting. Methods: 18 non-athletic females from University, are randomly assigned to 3 groups namely, positive, negative and real social-comparative video feedback. In the first day, golf putting is taught and 6 trials of golf putt are considered as pre-test. The second day includes 60 putts with 5-minute rest between trials and receiving relevant video feedback for each group and after each set of trial which constitute the acquisition session. The third day consists of 6 trials collectively considered as retention test. Using the two EEG and EMG sensors, the information are recorded in three baseline, execution and observation conditions. In the last trial of acquisition period, the levels of electrical activity of muscle and brain are recorded in baseline condition, condition of observing feedback films and concurrent with putting. For analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient is used to examine the association between level of electrical activity of brain and biceps brachial muscle (pResult & Conclusion: The results suggest that there is a significantly positive association between electrical activity of muscle and mirror neurons during execution.


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