In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Neuropsychology Association

Document Type : Original article


1 Department of computer and Information technology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 corresponding author, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Psychology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

4 MD,General Surgery Board,Aesthetic Surgery


Introduction:Many studies have shown that borderline personality disorder is related to the neuropsychological deficits and there is also evidence that neurocognitive profile of patients with borderline personality disorder can be related to the consequences of this disorder. This study aimed to Examining the efficacy treatment of Computer-based Neurocognitive in people with borderline personality disorder. Method: this study's design was pre experimental with pretest- posttest. Studied population consisted of all patient with borderline personality disorder who were visited in clinics and health centers in Tehran. The sample included 30 patients who met the Diagnostic Interview for Borderline Personality Disorder—Revised version (DIB-R) criteria in the 4 scale affective  dysregulation, impulse action patterns, cognitive– perceptual impairment and interpersonal relationship disturbance for borderline personality disorder. Patients were randomly assigned in experimental and control groups ( 15 patients in experimental group and 15 patient in control group), then therapeutic interventions were made.  Subjects were also assessed by clinical, neuropsychological and functional measures in baseline and after 32 meet of the 16Weeks  of  computer-assisted cognitive remediation (experimental group) intervention or treatment as usual (control group) which were made twice a week. Findings: Covariance analysis results demonstrated that patients who received CACR showed greater improvement in working memory and  psychosocial functioning results than patients treated with TAU, but symptom severity didn't have significant difference. Conclusion: Findings of this  study  showed the feasibility and potential the efficacy treatment of Computer-based Neurocognitive domains, suggesting  a relatively limited clinical usefulness of  the treatment of Computer-based Neurocognitive in the treatment of the borderline personality disorder.


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