In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Neuropsychology Association

Document Type : Original article


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Physical Education, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: The purpose of this research, determination impact cognitive rehabilitation training and progressive physical training on improvement cognitive flexibility and social developmental mentally retarded children. Method: In this study of semi experimental, 45 educable mentally retarded children with age range 8 to 12 year, according inclusion criteria select in two groups experimental and one of group control were placed. Findings: Data analysis shows among average social developmental and total error, groups of progressive physical training and cognitive rehabilitation with group control in post test level difference statistics is not significant. Averages shows progressive physical training group have social developmental score better than to others groups in post test. The mean of cognitive flexibility in cognitive rehabilitation and progressive physical education groups was better than control group. Conclusion: Cognitive and behavioral skills of mentally retarded children can be found through cognitive rehabilitation exercises Training and development


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