In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Neuropsychology Association

Document Type : Original article


1 Instructor of Motor Behavior , Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahwaz, Iran.

2 M.A in Motor Behavior. Islamic Azad University of shooshtar,shooshtar, Iran.


Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the behavioral and neurological of learning and transfer of asymmetric bimanual task. Methods: The study is quasi-experimental. Instruments used in this study included quad-channel EEG, pen Mouse, laptop, special gloves and metronome. The participations of the research were eight grade, right-handed students (mean age, 14/2 ± 0/13) formed (N=10). They has normal vision and no physical problem or there was no movement. After pre-test participants for three days of training and then post-test were performed. Tests were performed in conditions difficult task with the dominant hand and the conditions were difficult task with non-dominant hand. Asymmetric training can mean the difference was the speed and the effect of gravity on two hands. Findings: The results showed that training of bimanual coordination pattern that movement difference between two hands is both the speed and the effect of gravity, the transfer does not occur to vice versa. EEG results showed it seems that in difficult bimanual coordination task, prior training that task to do more difficult, brain activity of cortical areas is higher. Furthermore, brain activity in motor and frontal regions in the left hemisphere was higher than right hemisphere. Conclusion: Combining two or more features that together in asymmetric bimanual task to make a stronger coupling that levels of control take up a higher level.


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