In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Neuropsychology Association

Document Type : Original article


1 Master of General Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Tehran West Branch, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor, Faculty of Rehabilitation, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Tehran West Branch, Tehran, Iran.


Introduction: The purpose of this research was to study the effect of Rhythmic melodic stimuli and playing on the performance of spatial neurons and the working memory of children aged 4-7 years.Methods: Materials and Methods: This research was a semi-experimental study with pre-post and post-prognosis in two educational groups. The survey population included all children aged 4-7 years old in Tehran's 8th district. The sampling method was available in this study and the sample size was 20 people, 10 of them in the music group and 10 in the game group with random sampling. Data collection was based on the Conner's parent and teacher questionnaire, working memory Wechsler 4, and brain recording from frontal region in three modes (1. rest eye open,2. Kohs Block test,3. Imitation of the game) Analysis and analysis of data obtained using SPSS version 24 and two descriptive and inferential sections using the Klomof-Samsinom assay for normal distribution of scores Multivariate analysis of MANOVA was performed. Findings: The results of this study showed that learning music and playing, in reducing the symptoms of hyperactive children and the performance of 4-7 years old neurons is 1/92% and 5.68% effective. Conclusion: Learning games with rules and music are effective tools in improving the performance and reducing the symptoms mirror neurons in 4-7 years old hyperactive children.


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